The central goal of the GDR "Approche Interdisciplinaire de l’Evolution Moléculaire" (AIEM) is to address fundamental questions in evolutionary biology using a wide focus ranging for example from taking advantage of methods from quantitative statistics and applied mathematics, up to discussing historical and philosophical perspectives of the field.
ALPHY is a work group from the French GDR "Bioinformatique Moléculaire" (BiM). ALPHY organizes an annual meeting dedicated to the field of Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics (ALPHY = ALignments and PHYlogeny). The main goal of this meeting is to promote informal exchanges in this highly multidisciplinary field, and to encourage young scientists to present their work.
Alphy & AIEM joint meeting will be held in Jan. 2023, from Monday 23 afternoon, to Wednesday 25 morning, at the University Grenoble Alpes (UGA), in the amphitheater of the André Boucherle building, facultés de Médecine et de Pharmacie, campus La Tronche (Isère, 38).
Registration is free but mandatory (go to "My submission"). We apologize that we will not be able to host more than 100 persons. Registration will be on a "First Come, First Served" process.
In fine, we ware able to accomodate a total of 31 students and postdocs.
30 short oral communications have been selected, and